Top 3 Reasons Series Classes are Better Than Drop In Classes

In 2022 I transitioned away from teaching drop-in yoga classes*. I had taught drop-in classes, first in person and then online, for my whole career as a yoga teacher. But they never set well with me. I was always anxious wondering who would show up and what they might need. In one class I could have an able-bodied 20-something hoping to sweat through class, a pregnant newby, and an older student with arthritis and osteoporosis. 

At first it seemed that switching to exclusively offering series classes could be a disservice to students, but I quickly realized that it wasn’t only better for me, it was also better for the students.  Here’s why:

  1. Take the example class I listed above.  Those particular students wouldn’t end up in the same class, because I can get very specific with the description of a series class. I specialize in working with folks with chronic illnesses and also folks in aging bodies. So, it is entirely possible that a 30-something with fibromyalgia and a 60-something with arthritis might end up in the same series class. But I’ll know ahead of time who is attending, and I am able to plan for that. Each student knows what to expect when they show up at my series class and I know who is showing up to class. 

  2. Many people who come to yoga class are looking for more than a workout, they are looking for change or transformation. They have heard that yoga can help ease their anxiety, lower their blood pressure, reduce their chances of falling and increase their joy. When research studies are done on yoga proving these many benefits, the research is not conducted on drop in classes. These are subjects who have agreed to participate regularly in a yoga class over a set period of time. Many times the research also includes home practice. So, if you’re looking for transformation or to improve your health and wellness, it’s best if you commit to a regular practice, and a great way to do that is with a series class! 

  3. And, my absolute favorite benefit of a series over drop-in classes: community and connection! Especially now when it seems harder than ever to make new connections, a weekly yoga class with the same group of people creates a container for community and connection. 

I teach 3-4 gentle yoga series classes per year in person in the Portland, Oregon area. If you are in the area and want to be added to the waitlist for the next series, please use the contact form and let me know.

*I continue to teach one weekly drop in class for the public library. Registration info for that class can be found on the Work with me page of this site.


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